Jiang LU (Maxime)
-The founder and Chief wine editor of WineOnline.CN since 2005.
-The founder and main contributor for WineBlogChina.COM since 2011
-Wine Judge for international wine competitions: Decanter Asia Wine Awards (Hongkong,2015-2019) , Wines of Portugal Challenge(Lisbon) , Radici del Sud ( Puglia ) ,and some domestic wine competitions.
-A contributor for Decanter China(Chinese version of Decanter.com),Prowine China(Prowein) and for main stream media on fashion, finance , food and wine.
-A member of several blind tasting panels for publications including RVF China, Food & Wine (China), Wine in China,etc.
-The distinguished guest for Hunan TV, BTV, Shenzhen TV,Hubei TV,Hongkong Health TV,Yunnan Radio,etc.
-Interviewed by Deutsche Welle, France 2,Xinhua News Agency, China Daily, CRI, AP, EITB, Decanter.COM ,etc.
-Visited wine countries: USA, Mexico,Chile, Argentina ,France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Moldova, Australia,New Zealand, South Africa, etc.
-The consultant of Wine Collection .
-The consultant of wine companies.
-Now Committed himself to popularizing wine culture, wine consulting, training and business service, etc.
Email: info@wineonline.cn
Tel: 010-85864505
Weibo: http://weibo.com/wineonlinecn
陆江(Jiang LU-Maxime)
– Decanter亚洲葡萄酒大赛(Decanter Asia Wine Awards),意大利南部葡萄酒大赛(Puglia)、葡萄牙葡萄酒挑战大赛-Wines of Portugal Challenge(Lisboa)、《葡萄酒评论-RVF》中国优秀葡萄酒年度大奖、中国贺兰山东麓葡萄酒博览会大赛、中国年度最佳葡萄酒酒单大赛、波尔多行业协会(CIVB)”随时随意波尔多”百大选拔、《中国葡萄酒》百大葡萄酒等国际国内葡萄酒大赛专家评委;
– 著名葡萄酒文化研究者,Decanter中文版,Prowine China(Prowein中文版)等主流业内网站和媒体专栏专题撰稿人;
– 资深葡萄酒收藏顾问;
– 德国葡萄酒,智利葡萄酒,阿根廷葡萄酒,法国南部葡萄酒,法国波尔多葡萄酒等机构合作讲师;
– 湖南卫视、北京电视台、深圳卫视、湖北卫视、香港健康卫视、中央人民广播电台、云南广播电台等媒体葡萄酒专题节目佳宾;
– 接受德国之声、法国电视2台,法国电视台海外频道,新华社、China Daily、中国国际广播电台CRI、美联社AP、西班牙巴斯克电视台等国内国际主流媒体采访;英国Decanter杂志专访(2021年7月刊)
– 探访了世界主流酒类产区国:新西兰,澳洲,美国,墨西哥,智利,阿根廷,法国,德国,意大利,葡萄牙,西班牙,摩尔多瓦,南非等;
– 葡萄酒行业咨询顾问;
– 现致力于葡萄酒文化培训推广、葡萄酒顾问和商业服务等领域。
Email: info@wineonline.cn
Tel: 010-85864505
微博: http://weibo.com/wineonlinecn