勃艮第葡萄酒国际头号酒评人Allen Meadows给你学习建议

图文:陆江(Lu Jiang)

前些日子,我在北京有幸采访到勃艮第葡萄酒国际头号酒评人Allen Meadows。他对勃艮第葡萄酒的酒评词和打分,是众多勃艮第酒爱好者中争议最少,甚至会对一些被点评的勃艮第酒的价格产生影响,他撰写的《Burgundy Vintages – A History from 1845》和《The Pearl of the Côte–the Great Wines of Vosne-Romanée》也是勃艮第酒学习的常用工具书。Allen Meadows这次来北京,是和香港酒商TFWE合作活动。

言归正传,这次因为采访的主题中,关于“如何有效学习勃艮第酒”,是现在国内不少勃艮第爱好者遇到的常见困惑。Allen Meadows先生给了些坦诚的建议,以及他的心得观点。


Allen Meadows:





Allen Meadows:

我理解他们为什么这样做,这几乎是人性的本能特质。最高峰在哪里,我要去攀登它,有人说是罗曼尼康帝(Romanee Conti),拉塔希(La Tache),香贝坛(Chambertin),里奇堡(Richebourg),但只有一个最高峰,哪一个是。你应该没法知道那个最高,到底多高才算高,多好才算好。

所以我每次开基础课时,我都是建议爱好者先从勃艮第命名体系金字塔底部开始往上喝,再往下喝。如果开始就是特级园(Grand Cru),他就会错过实力差不多的一级园,少了很多趣味,还有大区和村级里的好玩的酒。


如果你开发你对品质的洞察力,你就有能力说,这武玖园(Clos Vougeot)真的很好,或者说这个一般般,或这酒不太好。你需要更多范围的品鉴来建立你的洞察力判断力,像我开一些主题品鉴就是为了这方向,今天上午我做的品鉴会就是让生产者来分享一些角度。


Allen Meadows:




另外,我自己买一些品质不错并且也是我个人喜欢的酒,这是我的风格偏好,我买来放在自己的酒窖里。 我很少买100%新橡木桶培养的酒,很多人会说Allen Meadow不喜欢新桶,可这只是我的个人喜好。事实上,我给我客户推荐酒时,根据客户风格喜好,还是会推荐100%新橡木桶培养的酒,因为只要它品质的确做得很好。


归纳Allen Meadows关于学习的建议:

  1. 首先要知道勃艮第基础知识,尤其产区命名(AOC)体系的结构和如何运行,然后还是要投入时间精力和钱,勃艮第酒学习上没有什么捷径,一分付出一分回报。
  2. 建议从勃艮第命名(AOC)体系金字塔的底部往上喝,从大区和村级,到一级园和特级园,通过多范围的对比品鉴,建立自己对品质的洞察力和判断能力。
  3. 学会区分品质判断和风格喜好的差异。

采访人:陆江(Lu Jiang)




在中世纪修道院La Cartoixa d’Escaladei,Priorat产区协会正式发布Priorat的产区葡萄园官方等级体系,共5级:

-大区酒(DOQ Priorat wine)

-村级酒(Vins de Vila)

-单一园(Paratge Wines)

-列级园(Vinya Classificada)

-特级园(Gran vinya classificada)


DOQ Priorat introduces “The names of the land”, the Brand new qualification for the appellation’s wines

This project, pioneer in Spain, positions DOQ Priorat wines among the best European wines, following the same path as the greatest wine regions in the old world。

Álvaro Palacios, viticulturist and winemaker of the DOCa Priorat, and Sal·lustià Álvarez, president of the DOCa Priorat, introducing to the national and international members of the wine sector “The names of the land”.

May 17th, 2019.– A great wine is a strict and pure fruit of a privileged place. The more we try to narrow it down, the more precise the identity is, which is vital in order to define a great wine. In this context, DOQ Priorat is pushing this new qualification of wines produced in their wineries, while stressing three main values: transparency, humility and the recovery of what was once gone.

“It is time to respect a more specific origin. It is about naming a certain wine as it should be, according to the place it is from. The more responsibility we have towards the land the more credibility, confidence and rigour we gain in the world of great wines”, said Álvaro Palacios, DOQ Priorat winemaker, during the world presentation of the new qualification held today in Cartoixa d’Escaladei before more than 55 highly-regarded wine professionals from all over the world.

“This project is placing value on the singularity of a land, DOQ Priorat, by highlighting the 459 locations, besides singular and ancient vines”, said Sal·lustià Àlvarez, president of DOQ Priorat.

“The names of the land” is introducing the following classification:

DOQ Priorat wine
They reflect the generic winegrowing personality and typicity of the DOQ.

Vins de Vila
They transmit the exclusive identity of a village’s landscape mosaic, the sum of the diversity of its wine locations.

Paratge Wines
They show an even purer essence, a character linked to orography, geology and a delimited microclimate.

Vinya Classificada
These wines are born from an individual wine production of exceptional virtues, which needs to be bottle separately.

Gran vinya classificada
These are very rare samples of natural and historical talent: a moving alliance resulting of the sheer caprice of nature and tradition that has been able to interpret and safeguard the most exclusive wine jewels to our days, with no alteration from time.

Consell Regulador DOQ Priorat identified all wine plots in Priorat. The reason was to guarantee the origin of ever grape from every vineyard and every wine according to a given qualification. DOQ Priorat’s technicians can therefore ensure, thanks to a strict control of traceability, that the origin and rules established in the current classification are applied to all wines.

Today, DOQ Priorat has just over 2.000 hectares of vineyards, grown by 575 winemakers and
109 wineries. Vine cultivation and wine making are the main economic activities of the appellation’s villages.