

评论、图文编译: 陆江(Maxime LU) 王智慧(Serien WANG)















木桐常务董事Philippe Dhalluin声明,四月期酒交易已万事俱备

图文编译: 陆江(Maxime LU) 王智慧(Serien WANG)

罗斯柴尔德家族—木桐酒庄的常务董事Philippe Dhalluin,非常有把握的透露列级酒庄2014年份的葡萄酒定价会趋于保守。   强调了目前虽不能精准的预测价格,但Philippe Dhalluin 也同时向Wine-Searcher 指出,“经济衰退遭遇好年份”,可想而知,今年的期酒价格将会最为合理。

Bordeaux 地区晚夏和整个秋季的好天气,使得葡萄酒种植者们由谨慎的乐观转为踏实的确信:2014年将会是个大好年份。


“今年必然是个好年份,”Dhalluin上周在波尔多这样说“我们对酒的品质很有信心。”他刚完成了对罗斯柴尔德木桐的姐妹产业,五级名庄 Chateau Clerc-Milon的酿酒调配工作。


其他的葡萄园种植者,比如Denis Dubourdieu, 对Wine-Searcher 讲他们对14年份期望值很高,并充满自信。   木桐的“Grand Vin”梅乐比例会高达16%。Dhalluin据此提出今年会与享有盛名的2005年份风格近似。“果味浓郁,单宁集中,结构感好。你能找到2005年份的痕迹”。

尽管业界对于2014年普遍看好,Dhalluin指出在给葡萄酒定价时,宏观经济是至关重要的。   “我查阅过所有数据,并察觉到全球经济比葡萄酒自身品质对期酒价格的影响要更大。最理想的情况是经济萧条又赶上年份大好。今年如果欧元对美元汇率比适宜,出手是毫无危险的。”




陆江(Maxime LU)
– 国际国内葡萄酒大赛专家评委,独立酒评人,美食美酒旅游类撰稿人,万欧兰葡萄酒教育首席讲师,资深葡萄酒收藏顾问。

王智慧(Serien WANG)
– 资深葡萄酒编辑、撰稿人和专业译者,《葡萄酒在线-WINEONLINE.CN》葡萄酒专题总监,万欧兰文化葡萄酒讲师。




陆江(Maxime LU)

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虽然上世纪90年代初苏联解体,摩尔多瓦仍然对俄罗斯为首的前苏联加盟共和国的葡萄酒市场有着极大的依赖。随着地缘政治的博弈加剧,摩尔多瓦地处罗马尼亚和乌克兰之间,成为欧盟和俄罗斯争夺的焦点之一。政治和外交对葡萄酒这项摩尔多瓦举足轻重的产业影响巨大,2006年摩尔多瓦葡萄酒就曾被俄罗斯全面拒绝,导致葡萄酒行业严重受挫,同期也激发的摩尔多瓦葡萄酒企业往外走的想法。当时在中国国内,我首次接触到的摩尔多瓦葡萄酒,就是著名的Cricova酒庄(2014 ProWine China 参展商),只是由于都是葡萄酒企业的个体商业行为,所以零星的摩尔多瓦酒企迈入中国市场,并没有形成合力,摩尔多瓦产酒国的形象在中国市场的认知是非常有限的,所以整体市场表现也并不尽如人意。







尤其特别要提到的是,在今年下半年中国大陆最有影响力的酒展ProWine China中,摩尔多瓦葡萄酒协会首次组团参加中国大陆酒展,以集体的形象向大陆买家和其他各类专业人士展现自己的特点和优势。其中展商不乏一些我在摩尔多瓦走访过,颇具实力的酒企如Asconi ,CRICOVA,Chateau Vartely,Fautor,Migdal-P,Purcari。本届酒展里还有重头戏,就是请到了在亚太区颇有声望的Debra Meiburg MW 在这个展会期间主持了五场关于摩尔多瓦葡萄酒的专题大师班研讨会(Seminar)。这为摩尔多瓦葡萄酒的专业品质,国际化形象的建立,都有积极推动作用。虽然从现阶段来说,仍处在一个市场推广的初级阶段,还没有那么多立竿见影的收效或回报,但是现在大家对摩尔多瓦葡萄酒的认知逐渐在开始建立,这也是开拓新兴市场的有效必要路径。


当然为了达到摩尔多瓦葡萄酒在中国能广泛打开市场的目标,还需要国家层面支持的葡萄酒协会的持续努力。包括继续坚持对不同传播渠道的有计划持久的推介,尤其是传播精准迅速的新媒体,还有葡萄酒教育方面的推广合作,与业内的KOL意见领袖保持联系和互动,以及积极参加有影响力的大陆酒展,如ProWine China等。


作者: 陆江(Maxime LU)

– 国际国内葡萄酒大赛专家评委,独立酒评人,美食美酒旅游类撰稿人,万欧兰葡萄酒教育首席讲师,资深葡萄酒收藏顾问。

【欢迎搜索:“万欧兰葡萄酒俱乐部” 或“wineclos”,关注我们公众号,或者扫描下方图形二维码。我们这里有国际国内热点的葡萄酒资讯和专家观点,还有有趣好玩的美食美酒旅游活动。】





Ongoing Promotions of Moldova Wines in China

Recently, I was invited to join a Chinese media delegation of wines to visit Moldova, the well-known East European wine producer. As a leading wine supplier of the former Soviet Union with the centrally planned economy, Moldova is the world’s No.10 wine producer and has a long history of wine production. The country’s wine-growing regions cover an area of 112,000 hectares, about the same as that of Bordeaux, France. Around 250,000 people are employed by the wine industry, the output value of which accounts for 3.2% of the country’s GDP and about 7.5% of the export volume. With a population of only 5 million, the small land-locked country boasts of solid strength and huge potential in wines. We visited chateaus and vineyards and unique large wine cellars and tasted signature wines in various wine-growing regions. I was deeply impressed by the diversity, individuality and high cost performance of Moldovan wines. Moreover, the country’s abundant and unique wine tourism resources are really competitive.

Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Moldova was once excessively dependent on the wine markets of former Soviet Republics led by Russia. Due to intensifying geo-political games, Moldova, lying between Romania and Ukraine, has been coveted by the EU and Russia. Politics and diplomacy have a huge influence on its decisive wine industry. In 2006, Russia banned imports of Moldovan wines, severely striking Moldova’s wine industry and motivating its wineries to go global. My initial impression on Moldovan wines was established by learning about the renowned Cricova Chateau (exhibitor of ProWine China 2014). At that time, no synergy was generated by a handful Moldovan wineries. Few Chinese consumers recognized the image of Moldova as a wine producer, resulting in the country’s poor market performance.

Moldova and the EU have been enjoying closer ties in recent years. On June 27, 2014, the two sides signed an Association Agreement in Brussels. On July 2, the Moldovan Parliament passed the agreement. Russia again banned imports of all Moldovan wines to put pressure on the country. The Moldovan wine industry has realized that it’s imperative to eliminate its dependence on the single market, pursue market diversification, and expand their presence in European, American, and Chinese markets.
While preserving its time-honored wine styles, Moldova is currently introducing EU or even global standards in grape growing, wine making, production, management, etc., in a bid to pave the way for international markets. The media delegation of wines gained insights in this regard. For instance, several wineries mentioned the protection of geographical indications (GIs). Some GIs protected by the EU widely used in the past, e.g. Cahor and Cognac, have been replaced by new ones.
It’s no surprise that China, one of the wine consumer markets with the biggest potential in the world, has become a key target of Moldovan wines. This year, Moldova has been stepping up efforts in promoting its wines in the Chinese market. The Moldovan Wine Guild has engaged professional PR teams familiar with the Chinese wine industry and arranged Chinese wine media to visit the country’s wine-growing regions.
It’s worth mentioning that, in late 2014, the Moldovan Wine Guild organized local wineries to participate in ProWine China, the most influential trade fair for wine and spirits on the Chinese mainland. It’s the first time for Moldovan wineries as a pavilion to participate in a wine exhibition on the Chinese mainland and showcase their features and advantages among Chinese buyers and other professionals. I have visited some of the exhibitors from Moldova, which are leading players in the country’s wine industry, e.g. CRICOVA, Chateau Vartely, Fautor, Migdal-P, and Purcari. As a highlight of ProWine China 2014, Debra Meiburg MW, a highly-reputed Master of Wine in the Asia-Pacific region, was invited to host five Master Classes (Seminars) of Moldovan wines, promoting the professional quality of Moldovan wines and image branding in the international market. Presently, market promotions are still at the initial stage without immediate effects or benefits. Nevertheless, more and more Chinese consumers are beginning to recognize Moldovan wines, which is an efficient and inevitable path to exploiting emerging markets.
Needless to say, wine associations supported by government authorities should make continuous efforts in order to expand the presence of Moldovan wines in the Chinese market, including constant and well-planned promotions through various communication channels, particularly new media featuring accurate and rapid communication, promotion and cooperation in wine education, keeping contact and interaction with professional key opinion leaders, participating in leading trade fairs of wine and spirits on the Chinese mainland, e.g. ProWine China, etc.
Looking ahead, Moldovan wineries will maintain their traditional advantages. With enduring promotional efforts, Moldovan wines will be recognized and acknowledged by both industry insiders and consumers alike, and reap substantial market benefits in the near future.
– LU Jiang, WineSchool China –



VIN DE FRANCE (具有法国国家产地标识的葡萄酒)

文/陆江(Maxime LU)




其中像由ANIVIN DE FRANCE法国国家葡萄酒行业协会发起的 “不同法国葡萄品种的魅力”的推广活动 ,颇受瞩目。光过去一年已经看到一些面向专业人士,意见领袖等举办的研讨会和酒展,在法国还有优秀Vin De France选拔大赛,邀请世界各地的进口商参与盲品选拔,选出性价比高的佼佼者,为不同市场的买家提供选择依据,鼓励生产商和品牌商对品质的严格要求,国内也有一些酒商代表也参与其中的评选。



  这里提到的的VIN DE FRANCE葡萄酒(具有法国国家产地标识的葡萄酒),是法国葡萄酒的分级系统中的重要成员,诞生于2009年,占法国静止葡萄酒出口量的18%(2013年的数据),以高性价比,亲民,易挑选等特点著称,旗下涵盖了所有具有法国国家产地标识的葡萄酒。VIN DE FRANCE (具有法国国家产地标识的葡萄酒)的生产者首次能够将所有产自法国不同地区的最优质的葡萄品种进行调配。利用法国境内气候的多样性(海洋性气候,地中海式气候,大陆性气候)和不同地区的葡萄品种,进行调配,以便得到稳定高品质多样选择的法国葡萄酒。另外也鼓励生产商的灵活创新意识。


总而言之,VIN DE FRANCE (具有法国国家产地标识的葡萄酒)最主要的特色,在于它的简明、灵活,以及充满创造力。其三个主要优势:一、强调品牌的重要性;二、通过标明葡萄品种来突出口味特点;三、明确标示产品的原产国,即法国。

VIN DE FRANCE (具有法国国家产地标识的葡萄酒)对日常饮用的葡萄酒市场来说,或许会成为法国葡萄酒行业,在面临激烈竞争的葡萄酒快速消费市场中,带来市场突破的一个关键性葡萄酒类别。




米其林3星餐厅French Laundry被窃30万美金顶级酒

  美国加州纳帕的米其林3星餐厅French Laundry被窃30万美金顶级酒

图文编译:陆江(Maxime LU)      王智慧(Serien WANG)

  圣诞节,位于美国加州纳帕,世界著名的米其林三星餐厅“French Laundry”被窃了价值30万美元(零售价,约合人民币185万)的76瓶顶级酒,平均每瓶价格约合2万多人民币



  陆江(Maxime LU)摄影


French Laundry餐厅经常被不少美食爱好者认为是美国最好的餐厅,从2006年在美国开始评选米其林,这家餐厅就一直是3星(全美一共13家米其林3星餐厅),其订位的不易也是业界闻名。


  陆江(Maxime LU)摄影


  陆江(Maxime LU)摄影


French Laundry餐厅的业主兼主厨Thomas Keller在接受采访时提到,幸好只是损失了酒,其他财产并无丢失,人员也无损伤。



  陆江(Maxime LU)摄影


  陆江(Maxime LU)摄影

  由于这次被窃的大部分是来自于罗曼尼康帝(DRC)和啸鹰(Screaming Eagle)的酒,这两家酒园被认为是世界上最昂贵的几家酒园中的两家。



1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Grands Echezeaux” 2007

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Grands Echezeaux” 2008

3 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Grands Echezeaux” 2009

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Grands Echezeaux” 2010

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée St. Vivant” 2003

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée St. Vivant” 2005

3 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée St. Vivant” 2006

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée St. Vivant” 2007

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée St. Vivant” 2008

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée St. Vivant” 2009

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée St. Vivant” 2010

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Richebourg” 1988

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Richebourg” 2002

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Richebourg” 2005

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Richebourg” 2006

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Richebourg” 2008

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Richebourg” 2009

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Richebourg” 2010

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 1993

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 1996

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 1999

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 2002

1 bottle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 2004

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 2005

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 2006

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 2007

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 2008

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 2009

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “La Tâche” 2010

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée Conti” 2004

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée Conti” 2005

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée Conti” 2006

3 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée Conti” 2007

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée Conti” 2008

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée Conti” 2009

2 bottles Domaine de la Romanée-Conti “Romanée Conti” 2010

2 bottles Jacques-Frederic Mugnier Nuits-Saint-Georges “Clos de la Maréchale” 2005

2 bottles Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier Nuits-St. Georges” Clos de la Maréchale” 2008

1 bottle Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 1992

1 bottle Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 1995

1 bottle Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 1998

1 bottle Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 1999

1 bottle Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2010

5 bottles Moet & Chandon Champagne Brut Grand Cru Cuvée “Dom Perignon” 2004