【Request to put your WSET activities on hold with immediate effect】
We wish to inform you that we are currently addressing some administrative issues regarding our activities in China. While we are working through these issues, we have been advised to recommend that APPs(授权教育机构) in China temporarily put their WSET related activities on hold and advise their students accordingly. This includes all WSET courses and related examinations.We will also not be able to ship orders for WSET materials from the UK or process new examination orders for APPs located in China until further notice. However, any orders already in our system will be fulfilled.As we work to resolve this, it would be very helpful if you could avoid discussing the situation with media or on social media platforms. If you are approached, please pass any enquiries to your regular WSET Business Development contact or toAPAC@WSETGlobal.com.We will be posting a statement on wsetchina.cn and on WeChat early next week which will update students on the situation.I would like to reassure you that we are working hard with the relevant authorities(有关部门) to ensure you can resume your WSET activities as soon as possible. As one of our valued APPs, it is our priority to keep you updated on developments. We will come back to you as soon as we have more news, and we will definitely be in contact on or after the end of the Chinese New Year holiday with an update.In the meantime, if you have any queries or information you wish to share, please do not hesitate to contact us……
【葡萄酒与烈酒教育基金会 Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) 是全球最大的葡萄酒、烈酒与清酒资格认证课程提供机构。在这50年里……WSET资格认证通过遍布70多个国家的授课网络及多种不同语言……课程】
【葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金会(WSET及WSET Awards)是一家资格认证机构及注册慈善团体,它致力于拓展及提供葡萄酒、烈酒及清酒方面的认证及课程。为促进英国葡萄酒贸易而于1969年成立的WSET已然发展成为全球行业内的领军者。作为一个独立的非盈利组织,我们的教育产品所传授的知识立场中立,可以帮助个人及企业建立起专业知识与技能。】
1. WSET是个非盈利的国际基金会NGO,现在遍布全球。但是严格来讲,作为没有在华备案的非盈利的国际基金会,在中国境内开展合作活动,而且从事盈利活动,是有不合规合法嫌疑。