
文:王智慧 | 葡萄酒在线


Theme of June: Argentina

Key words of our club: “Quaff ” & “blind tasting” the midrange and high-end Argentine wine。

After the first round of tasting of seventeen bottles, we were impressed by the overall high quality of Argentinian. They are not so “strong” as we imagined, actually some of them are quite soft in structure and expressive at the same time.




 1. 盲品打分环节


1. Scoring Process
The first round of Argentina tasting on Sunday afternoon consists of three parts. All the participants are required to select the best one from the seventeen wines after blindly tasting as a panelist. However, some of them begun to complain tastelessness even before the tenth wine shows up. Well, it’s reasonable to guess some wine is too good to be spit out. Mr. Lu talked about his own experience that it’s quite usual to blindly taste more than a hundred wine as a professional panelist.

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2. 鬼椒品鉴环节


2. Tasting Jolokia
We constantly hold the pepper tasting on the principal of pursuing excitement and challenge in life and at the aim of taking out those who claim that they are unbeatable in front of pepper. It’s the most joyful moment of all three parts. In the very first beginning, participants behaved modestly and declined to eat the pepper. But after our pioneer Wu Ying tasteed the pepper “Bird’s eye” and “Scorpion” from the bottom to the top, participants began to follow suit, identifying the hot degree and burning area the pepper brings. Some people even dared to taste the seeds. Mr.Lu look at all  participants with a sense of satisfaction because he finally finds the pepper that makes us surrender and he claims proudly that whoever eats a whole pepper will have free charge of participation for two times. How evil!!





3. 拍卖环节

这次的慈善拍卖应夏天的景儿,以各种香槟、白葡萄酒为主,有几瓶诸如DR LOOSEN等的优质雷司令,还有一些新旧世界的干红和一瓶主持人幽怨的表示,从巴黎机场辛辛苦苦背回来的1L装的苦艾。部分甚至是业界良心的无底价起拍。。。很快抢的干干净净。只剩下身穿拍卖制服(围裙?)的主持人默默心酸,独自嘟囔,我是不是应该把底价提的高一点。。。

3. Auction
The majority of the wine under the hammer are champagne and white wine in accordance with the lovely summer, such as high-quality Resiling like DR LOOSEN etc. There are also some dry red wine and a bottle of one-liter Vermouth which was brought a long way back from the airport. The wine were sold out quickly under the very resonance prices, leaving Mr. Lu complains that the price should be much higher!



The final result will be give out in the 2nd round of tasting, which will be held in next weekend—so stay tuned!